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LIG Last International Group            
Milan, 1st January 2001

Today a group of people who have aesthetics and operative targets into the world of Art is borne.
The group has an international nature and for this it will go all around the world proposing its ideas and comparing itself with other artists, private and public cultural workers.
Also if painting is our favourite means of expression, we will not neglect multimedial, conceptual and gestural approaches (happening).
As the metarationality will be a constant reference for its needs of overcoming both of the rational-concrete-planned experience and the informal-gestural-material experience in a synthesis that abridges them all.

Ten years after the creation of the Gruppo L.I.G. Metarationality (Last International Group), whose manifesto was presented in Milan on the 1th January 2001, Beppe Bonetti, Rudolph Rainer and Milan Zoricic, signers of the historic group, will present a catalogue of works on paper, with an historical and critical introduction related to the decade that will end and will begin, always under the sign of metarationality

Download the manifesto

Beppe Bonetti

Rudolph Rainer

Milan Zoricic

Last Modified: 19 October 2024 14:18:44